so excited to have our new house guests arrive just before the 4th holiday weekend! I had to work for a bit when they first arrived, so Geoff stepped into the hosting roll quite nicely I must say. We set the bar high with days full of activities and sites to be seen, and they hung in there like the champs they are! With a long flight to the West coast, you must start off with a good night’s rest at the Cott B&B …
Followed by a good morning wake up call with Bloodie in hand … (Sleep, drink, eat, repeat).
USA – Back to Back World Champs … ‘Merica
My cute mom ‘anyboday wanna split a beeya?’
Tailgating like the Southern champs we are, Cheers America! (probably should’ve gone with something like a Budweiser … oh well, hindsight’s 20/20!)
We also invited one of our favorite WA friends, Matt, to come along for the ride … and he fit in quiiiiiite nicely with this crazy bunch!
After some snacks, more cool refreshments, and awkward stares from people not knowing what ‘tailgating’ meant, we moved on to the Tacoma waterfront.
Mmm, funnel cake!
You smell that? It’s our cholesterol rising … and we don’t care!!! YOLO!
Beer sampler?
Don’t mind if we do!
Happppyyyy Independence Day, America!!! (oh say can you see….)
The next day we headed up to downtown Seattle to give my folks a tour of Pike’s Fish Market
He came, he caught, he conquered!
Sweet peas … what my mom calls me (awwww) Geoff, doing what he loves best, taking excessive amounts of photographs … Say Cheese!
On day 4 we headed west to the Quinalt Rain Forest and Pacific Ocean … after hour 2 in the car, we started playing car games (and SOME tapped into our ‘snack’ cooler in the back)
Yay for posing!
* Garner-Cott Vacay 07.06.2013 * (best 4th to date) And now, a month later, we’re headed to FL to see them (along with more family and my gal pals)! This coast-to-coast vacay couldn’t come at a better time … I think Geoff and I are both needing a little humidity, (sandy) beaches, and Southern lovin’, STAT!
Lemons to Love,
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Stephanie Fender says
One day you will look back and thank the high heavens you documented your life with thought, pictures, and love. Keep it coming sister – we ALL love to peek into your and Geoff's life.