North Pole Express train ride in Nashville and he loved it!If you noticed the title of this post, you’ve realized just how behind I was on blogging. ???? I even contemplating not even posting it and starting fresh with 2018 content. But then I remembered the whole point I started this blog 4 years ago was to stay connected with those from afar and document our life as we know it…even if it is a bit behind schedule. Life isn’t always about being ‘on schedule’ or crossing off our to-do lists. If we are constantly trying to ‘be on’, check off our lists, or constantly setting daily (unrealistic) standards then we lose a sense of why we’re doing it at all. In a world of ‘finding ourselves’ I’m constantly reminding myself it is not a destination where life accomplished, rather, it is the journey we set before us. God is constantly at work in our lives and will never be done while here on earth, and thank God for it. ????????
I’ve recently realized I’ve been holding onto these thoughts for past few weeks and fighting off the emotional ‘drowning effect’ that is comparison. Comparison of myself, comparison of social media, comparison of those I love and it’s all just…not empowering, not real, and not productive to myself (or those directly involved in my day-to-day).???? And I’m reminded of one of my very favorite quotes – Comparison is the thief of joy.
I’m also reminded of what’s most important, and it’s these two faces below…at the end of the day they are my greatest blessings.
So, while these pics might be a bit behind in our current life of 2018 they are nevertheless the small moments that are a part of my bigger picture. ❤️
Here’s a little montage of some sweet moments I captured with my iPhone ❤️
[gallery type="rectangular" ids="5889,5886,5888,5890,5891,5887,5892"] This North Pole Express train was worth the drive and the experience through Tennessee Central Railway. I chose the daytime ride so B could see more out the windows, and also just to do something different than our nighttime Polar Express in Washington. At the end of the ride we walked down to the front of the train so B could see where the conductor sat, and what happened next was the biggest highlight to the whole day. The conductor stuck his head out and invited B up to the engine to sit, push buttons, and ‘honk the horn’. Check out the little video below, his face was SO cute! Happy 2018 LtL readers! I hope this new year brings you everything you’re hoping for, and you give yourself everything you’re needing. Thanks for reading! Lemons to Love, Lindsay]]>
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