both of B’s toddler personalities). ????
Being back home in the city I grew up in comes with an array of emotions, but mostly wonderful, sweet, joyful and spirit-filled with a few learning curves thrown in their for good measure…it’s all about those ABLs amiright?? Always Be Learning?…or something like that. ???? You can see more about our first few weeks during the holidays here, but as B and I settle into a new routine I’m crossing off a few things on my ‘New Adventures in Old Florida’ list. It’s been really fun looking at my hometown with a fresh set of eyes and new perspective. I love finding ways to enrich a place where I have so many fond memories with family and my dear friends #squad, and creating a whole new platform of memories in this season of my life; insert wife and mother here.
I have quite a few places to see on my list already and I can’t wait to share them here with y’all! I’ve also got some prettttyy exciting news on where our next stop will be for our family and I can’t wait to share it…but it’ll have to wait a few more weeks, sorry. ????
In the meantime, you’ll have to settle for a sweet little stop at a local park near my parents’ house. It’s right on the river complete with a dock, people fishing, and boats sailing by. So naturally I had to take B here, he’s such a little water baby! It may not compare to more grand scenes like this or this, but it doesn’t fail me in the memories shared with those I love most. ❤
*Not pictured: mommy and MiMi who were in their sweaty-best post cardio attire. OR maybe I should speak for myself in the sweaty department, I get that attribute from my dad.????#TMI
We’ve got some fun plans this weekend as we venture out to the coast lines to an area I’ve never even been to! This weekend is a dad/daughter (+B) outing while my mom is having some qt girl time with her gal pals #squad. ????
Y’all enjoy your weekend! Any funs plans? Share below, I’d love to hear them, or any suggestions you might have for us? Just comment below! ????????????????
Lemons to Love,
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