#8in8 bucket list as we near the end of our time here in the PNW. In my last post I started our official countdown, which you can read more about here! There is honestly so much I would love to do before I leave in few weeks, but sadly there isn’t enough time or the season just isn’t right. Nonetheless, y’all know I’m gonna try my best to go out with a BANG, in true LC style. ???????? This week’s #8in8 pick was to Heybrook Lookout, located up in the Central Cascades. There are tons of amazing fire lookouts here in the Pacific Northwest, all with some of the most amazing views, but most (that I’ve seen anyway) require quite the effort in reaching…at least more than I’m willing to put out with a toddler in tow.???? So we chose this one because of it’s distance and trail ease…but mostly because I saw some pictures that once you reach the top of the tower there are birds that will fly up to you and eat right out of your hand!! ???????? *insert photo opps galore here!* Sadly, the birds were no where to be found, but our day spent exploring was just as memorable. We let B out of the Ergo carrier to blaze his own trails, and blaze did he ever! It was sooo cute to see him climb, run, and waddle his way through the trail and up to our destination. *heart melts* It honestly felt pretty cool to see him love something on his own that Geoff and I so equally enjoy doing together. We brought our lunch picnic, and once we reached the tower we let it clear out a little, and sat under some trees to devour our well-deserved sandwich and chips. Brooks has never met a stranger I don’t think…and his new thing is saying ‘share’ when he wants something someone’s else has. ???? There was a mother/son duo at the top of the tower enjoying their lunch. B eyed an orange, then quickly gestured that he’d also like to enjoy by holding out his hand and saying ‘share.’ “No, B, that’s not how sharing works…” (although …it is cute, most of the time) ???? We were on a bit of a time crunch so I could make it to a girls’ night out for martinis (because, balance), so we basically ran the entire way back down the trail. Or at least I tried. The trail was at a pretty steady decline the whole way, so by the end my quads were (quite literally) shaking…needless to say, three days later the soreness finally left the lower half of my body. ???? #outofshape
2 of 8 – Heybrook Lookout

Stephanie Price says
Love him so much ???? he makes me laugh just reading this — share! Ha – love it ???? Can’t wait to see y’all xoxo
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Lemons to Love says
Haha, it’s pretty funny.:) Can’t wait for you to see first hand!! Feel free to have some concentrated Aunt Tettie time (after our girls day out obviously). ????