The Fair
This past Sunday Geoff and I took Brooks to our first Williamson County Fair experience as newish Tennesseans. It was not the cool fall evenings I remember as a child, but I loved it just as much. I love the fair, it makes me feel like a kid again…remembering the rides I loved as a kid and the games I played to win by very first gold fish. We started off with a few Brooks-friendly rides and walked the grounds with treats in hand, as we watched demonstrations and admired the local livestock. My favorite part of the fair though, pushing time and schedule to the wayside for the sake of making new memories with B. With ice-cream, popcorn and lemonade as a well-balanced dinner, B used up all the ride tickets and stayed up past his bedtime. It was a sweet family night I’d do all over again, just maybe with shorts on this time. #hotashell

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