PNW. I loved our time away together and the memories we’d create. When I can I’ll do some research and find a kid-friendly destination within a two hour driving radius. Instagram is usually my go-to when searching for local fun spots. If you just search through some hashtags and adventuring photographer’s feeds you’re bound to stumble across a number of interests! When it comes to hiking, I’ll usually take the next step in my research reconnaissance and google the trail or park and see what other hikers are saying about the conditions of the trails, difficulty, and whether or not it’s kid friendly. Our most recent kid friendly hike was to the Fall Creak Falls State Park in the upper Cane Creek Gorge.
Kid Friendly Hiking
For this #mommyandme outing we headed southeast to Fall Creek Falls State Park. The drive into the park made for beautiful views, a golf course, and camping grounds. There are a number of trails that lead to different waterfalls and watering holes…so I can definitely see us being back there in the spring/summer time! I made the mistake of pulling over too quickly to a Fall Creek Falls sign, which added about an hour+ to our hike *. If I’d ‘stayed the course’ the park actually offers a nice parking lot with bathrooms where the official trail head starts just a few more minutes down the road. #lessonlearned With only one minor tantrum about halfway through, overall the hike was very enjoyable as we took our time exploring and seeing the different waterfalls throughout the loop. All said and done, this was a FUN hike to take B on – and more importantly, he survived 3 hours of hiking…and I survived 3 hours of hiking with a toddler! #winwin

Here are a few pics I snapped on my phone during the hike…I love some of the more ‘candid’ moments with my lil sidekick/mini me. *
[gallery type="columns" ids="5928,5927,5926,5929"] Check out this little video (below) I put together from our hike together. I hope to go on a few more of these with B, especially when the weather is *perfect in the spring before the summer humidity hits us and we’re off to the lake house! * Thanks so much for reading! Any of you Tennessee locals have any kid-friendly hiking suggestions for the upcoming months? I’d love to hear them! Have an awesome weekend y’all! Lemons to Love, Lindsay]]>
Stephanie Price says
E this is so beautiful ???? and you are too. Love Abby
Sent from my iPhone
Lemons to Love says
Oh Abby! You are beyond beautiful and precious to me sweet girl! Love you! ????????