OH.MY.GOSH I’m so excited for so many reasons I feel like I’m yelling through my screen to yours. HI! Ok, let me take a deep breath and start from the beginning. I’ve been a little quiet here on Lemons to Love over the last few months for a few different reasons; two of them being I’ve been filling my cup up with life and LtL Photography clients AND the other, I’ve been busy behind the scenes working on THIS NEW SITE! *jazz hands* The new Lemons to Love site has been a joyful labor of love. The better part of this year I’ve been working with Andrea over at Nashville Geek fine-tuning my vision to rebrand LtL. Here on the new LtL site you will find a more streamlined navigation to what’s new on the blog, my latest photography work and NEW prints in the shop! Come along with me and let’s see a new and improved Lemons to Love Blog!
What’s New and Improved

If you’re new here, or even if you’re not, you may be wondering what all the hype is on the new site. For me, it was so important for my site to reflect where I am now in my life and creative career. The previous 3 sites for the Blog, LtL Photography, and Print Shop were all created by me over long hours of YouTube tutorials on coding, frequent calls to customer service, and countless ounces of caffeine. Earlier this year I decided it was high-time I invest in myself and the growth I’d like to see in the Lemons to Love brand, so I contacted Andrea and my vision began to take shape. With a new site came new professional logos and even having someone else take photos of me for the first time – and they were all 100% worth the extra money I would’ve saved trying to DIY my way through a re-branding.
I’m so incredibly happy with the way everything came together. I feel like this site reflects me more personally and professionally, and with that came the new additions of prints in the print shop that reflect my current photography style. I still kept some of my original prints for nostalgia in the changes I’ve experienced both geographically and personally. I also have some (very) old blog posts I wanted to keep from my early days of blogging (aka online journaling) in 2012. They help me remember the ‘Why’ and see the transformations I’ve gone through over the last 6+ years. It’s important for me to have both aspects to authentically represent myself because without all of it I wouldn’t be who and where I am now, or where I strive to be.
A New and Improved Lemons to Love Blog
With this new site, you’ll be able to easily navigate from the LtL Blog to the Print Shop, all under one roof. There is a much more user-friendly way of contacting me and booking me for different photography services. And while blogging will still be secondary to the photography and small business branding services, it’s still a great passion of mine I hope to continue expanding. When I first started Lemons to Love I wanted a way to stay connected with those I love from afar by sharing our adventures in the Pacific Northwest. Since then I’ve made new connections all the while sharing topics that entertained, informed and maybe hit close to home as a woman, mom and/or wife. I love talking shop on the latest fashion finds, skincare trends or Real Housewives episode with the best of them but what I love most of all is sharing my heart with all of you. You know the saying ‘When life hands you lemons..’ well, I believe in turning (any of) life’s circumstances into something you can look back on with love, regardless of the pain it might’ve caused in the moment – hence the name Lemons to Love. It may seem cliche or cheesy, but hey, I am who I am. Some of life’s greatest heartaches have taught me more about my inner strength and courage than when life has gone ‘perfectly’ – if anything, they’ve given me a deeper sense of perspective and appreciation.
Life Updates on Lemons to Love

Since taking a blogging hiatus we have been living it up with vacations to NYC, the Bahamas, our lake house, Auburn football and Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. This has probably been one of the busiest and soul-filled/happiest years I can remember – all to be shared here on the blog soon. #obvs We’ve also officially begun our journey into IVF (read previous posts on our infertility here). We recently hit a few roadblocks and will reconvene the first of 2020. LtL Photography has kept me busy with old and new clients! I’ve loved seeing how God has taken my love of photography and social media and combine the two into helping women with small businesses with their visual branding. It’s so incredible to see their confidence transform as I guide them through photoshoots and enhance their social media creativity to enable them to grow something they created themselves.
I don’t know exactly what the future holds, but I’m so happy to be able to share the highs and lows of it all here with you. Thanks SO very much for sticking around or coming by to visit LtL. It means the world to share my little corner of the world with each of you. As a thank you and to celebrate the launch of the NEW Lemons to Love site, I’m gifting each of you a FREE print from the Lemons to Love Print Shop. Use code ‘NEWLAUNCH’ and download yours right away!
New and Improved on the Lemons to Love Print Shop
Thank you again for all the love and support! I’m so excited for the new and improved Lemons to Love blog, and I can’t wait to share more with y’all here in the coming months!
Lemons to Love,![]()
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